(This book review first appeared on For Christ and Culture and on the Baker Academic Blog)
Jesus once told a story about a wise man and a foolish man. In the story, the wise man built his house upon the rock and the foolish man built his house upon the sand. Now the main distinguishing element in the story is that the wise man heard and acted responsibly as opposed to the foolish man who just heard and did not act responsibly.
The same distinction applies to those who approach
the Gospels. This is the premise for Jonathan Pennington’s new book, Reading the Gospels Wisely. As
Pennington, an associate professor of New Testament interpretation at Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary, states:
people must hear correctly what Jesus teaches, but they must also respond to
this grace with faith and faithful living (xi).
In Reading the Gospel Wisely, he uses
the idea of “building a house” and divides his book into three parts: “Clearing
Ground, Digging Deep, and Laying a Good Foundation,” “Building the House
through Wise Reading,” and “Living in the Gospels’ House.”
Ground, Digging Deep, and Laying a Good Foundation (1-8)
In chapters one and two Pennington addresses the
question “what are the Gospels?” He answers this question by examining the
similarities between the “oral” and “written” gospel, church history, and
literary genre. In chapter two he provides his working definition of the Gospels:
canonical Gospels are the theological, historical, and aretological
(virtue-forming) biographical narratives that retell the story and proclaim the
significance of Jesus Christ, who through the power of the Spirit is the
Restorer of God’s reign.”(35).
In chapter three Pennington gives nine reasons why
we need the Gospels, and in chapter 4 he provides a discussion on
harmonization, diversity between the Gospels, historical accuracy, and finally
the joy of having four Gospels.
Chapter five, the weightiest according to most
reviewers, revolves around history and theology, historical Jesus
considerations, and the historical-critical method and leads Pennington to draw
out five important implications:
There is a limited and circumscribed
role for historical Jesus studies
We should focus on vertical over
horizontal readings of the Gospels
We should read the Gospels as witnesses
We should receive the Gospels as
testimony – a blending of fact and interpretation
We should read the Gospels according to the
purpose – theological and transformational
Chapter six provides three avenues for reading the
canonical Gospels: behind the text, in the text, and in front
of the text. Pennington states that to be a wise reader of the Gospels
one must read the text through all three avenues. In chapter seven Pennington
discusses authorial intent, meaning, and application, and in chapter eight he
sums up the first seven chapters and states what our goal should be in reading
the Gospels:
our hermeneutical approach and methods must be more than excavational; they
must be personal and application driven.” (159).
the House through Wise Reading (9-10)
Pennington argues in chapter nine against the
“Whatever Strikes Me” hermeneutic (only reading the elements that strike the
reader’s particular fancy) and proposes the tool of narrative analysis
(exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement) to better
grapple with the Gospels. In chapter ten Pennington makes the observation that,
of the stories can be enjoyed, appreciated, and even learned from when taken in
isolation. But the best, most powerful, and deepest reading will come when they
are read and experience din the narrative story line of which they are a part. (184).
The best way to understand the message of a text is
to look at the circles of contextual meaning: canonical story, whole gospel
story, literary structures, cycles, acts, and individual story (204).
in the Gospels House (11-12)
Chapters eleven and twelve provide some practical
advice for using the Gospels, including a proposal for the following form of
sermons drawn from Gospel texts: (1) Introduce the situation; (2) Retell the
story; (3) Draw out the main points; and (4) Apply the story with illustrations.
He concludes his book with the statement, “My desire for this book…is that readers will
be invited into the joy of studying the Gospel more deeply and more often.”
If I could recommend a book on the Gospels it would
be this one. Pennington is engaging, not only on an academic level but also,
most importantly, on a practical level. The book is organized, clear, and very
accessible for future reference. The book is not an introduction to the Gospels
nor is it a survey. It is simply a guide to a hermeneutical approach. It
presupposes the reader is familiar with various issues concerning historical
Jesus studies and Gospel development. What
I found most helpful was his definition of the Gospels, primarily the aspect of
virtue forming, and the Gospel sermon form. In the short time of reading the
book I have used the practical sermon form. If I could pick out one “weak” area,
it would be the lack of discussion concerning historical research in
preparation for the sermon. Pennington would agree with the use of historical
research but not as the governing foundation for truth. Of course, I agree with
that as well. However, my two questions would be: What is the benefit of
historical research in sermon preparation and proclamation? And how would a
preacher go about using that historical information responsibly?
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book and I would highly
encourage people to pick it up, read it thoroughly, and apply the practical
instructions to form a wise Gospel reading.
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